Printing informative materials on increasing “Public Awareness as a main aim of population protection in Emergency Situations” Mr. Rashad GASIMZADE, National focal point / International Relations Department, Ministry of emergency situation of Azerbaijan applied for “Mini Grant Projects” Program for 2016 and his project proposal “Public Awareness as a main aim of population protection in Emergency Situations” was selected by selection committee to be funded from Azerbaijan JICA Alumni Association budget for 2016. The main purpose of this project is to printing special brochures or any other printing material for distribution them at Universities and Schools in Baku city. (6 main Universities and 20 central schools). The goal is clarification of the state policy in the field of prevention and management of emergencies, mainly for the protection of life issues of people, material and cultural values. Education of the citizens a sense of responsibility for compliance with the safety rules in the field of natural, technogenic and ecological safety. Dissemination of knowledge, experience and achievements in the field of protection from emergencies among youth.  

Promo materials



